4 ways to evaluate your hiring needs in 2024

As a business evolves, so does the workforce. To ensure you're making the right hiring decisions, it's important to regularly evaluate your hiring needs. Here are four ways to help you navigate this process. 

1. Conduct a Skills Analysis: 

Consider your current team's skills and identify any gaps that may need filled. A skills analysis can also provide an opportunity to review your succession plan and assess the readiness of your team for future roles.  

2. Anticipate Future Challenges: 

Try to look ahead and consider the potential challenges and opportunities your business may face. This foresight will help you to identify the skills needed to overcome obstacles, capitalise on emerging trends, and help make your team more adaptable. 

3. Review Employee Feedback: 

Tap into the insights of your existing team. You might like to seek feedback on their current workload, upskilling opportunities, or areas in the business that they feel need more support. This not only helps in understanding the team dynamic but also fosters a collaborative and inclusive workplace culture. 

4. Consider Flexibility and Remote Work: 

Flexibility is an important value for progressive businesses. Consider if your current working models can be adapted, so that they can attract the right-fit talent. 

Evaluating your hiring needs is not just a routine task; it's a strategic investment in the success of your business. Carron Connected offers seventeen years of industry time-served knowledge and a broad network of talent, so let's collaborate to find the right-fit person for your team. 

If you would like help reviewing your hiring needs in 2024, tap into Richard’s network today. 



Exploring Skills-Based Hiring


Happy New Year from Carron Connected