Selecting a recruitment agency: Things to consider 

Carron Connected is proud to connect employers with the right fit candidates.  

Every recruitment agency operates differently, so it’s important to approach the process of choosing one with an informed mindset. Doing so ensures that you will find permanent employees that are dedicated to their career development in your business. 

Let's uncover the questions that will help you find the ideal agency to partner with. 

What industries or sectors do you specialise in?  

This question will allow you to evaluate whether the recruiter's specialisation aligns with your recruitment needs, building a more targeted and effective partnership. 


Can you provide examples of successful placements or partnerships? 

To ensure you are selecting the right agency, inquire about their experience in placing candidates in similar roles you are seeking to fill, which will allow you to obtain insights into their network and track record. 

What is your process for screening and evaluating candidates? 

This question considers an agencies methodology for assessing potential candidates before presenting them to you.  Understanding their interview techniques may allow you to gauge their ability to identify the best-fit employees for you.  


Can you explain your approach to understanding our specific hiring needs?  

This question will allow the agency to discuss how their services differ from other agencies, and how they can meet your unique hiring requirements. 

 What is your fee structure, and what services are included in your recruitment package? 

Recruitment agencies commonly employ one of two charging methods: a percentage-based fee or a retainer. With the percentage-based fee structure, the agency's charges are determined by a percentage of the candidate's first-year gross salary and are invoiced upon the candidate's successful onboarding. 

In a retainer fee arrangement, the client company pays a portion of the total fee upfront to secure the services of the recruitment agency. Once the position is filled, the remaining balance is paid. 

 What happens if the employee leaves or the probation isn’t successful? 

It is common practice for recruitment agencies to provide a rebate policy. Ensure that you secure the agreed-upon rebate terms in writing to maintain clarity and avoid any potential misunderstandings. 


Find out how Carron Connected can offer you flexible terms and conditions.

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