Selecting a Recruitment Company to support you in your job search 

If you are seeking a new role, you may like to find a recruitment agency to guide you on your search journey. But you might be wondering, how does the process work? Let’s explore what you should know before working with a recruitment company, like us! 

1. Candidates Don’t Pay Recruitment Companies 

An important thing to understand about working with a recruitment company is that as a candidate, you are not responsible for paying for the recruiter’s services. This fee is covered by the employer who hires the recruitment company, to help them in their search for the right-fit person. 


2. Understanding the Recruitment Process 

A recruitment company can be a bridge between candidates and employers. Here's a simple breakdown of how the process works: 

  • Initial Contact: You submit your CV or apply for a job through a job board. 

  • Screening: The recruitment company reviews your application and will conduct an initial interview to understand your skills and career aspirations.

  • Matching: They will match you with potential job opportunities, based on your skills and experience.

  • Interview Coordination: The recruitment company will arrange an interview between you and the prospective employer. 

  • Feedback and Follow-Up: Where applicable, the recruitment company may provide feedback from the employer on your interview result, and will assist with any next steps, such as further interviews or job offers. 


3. The Right to Represent  

The recruitment company may ask you to sign a “Right to Represent” agreement. This ensures that they have permission to present your cv to their clients for job opportunities.  

4. Information Disclosure 

Recruitment companies may withhold certain information about job opportunities, such as the name of the employer, during the initial stages of the process. This isn’t to be secretive, but to ensure they can present the right candidate to the right client. However, if you are shortlisted by the recruiter, you will then be given the necessary details about the job and the employer. 


5. Building a Relationship with Your Recruiter 

  • Be Honest: Clearly communicate your skills, experience, career goals where you are in your job search process.

  • Stay Responsive: Quickly respond to emails and calls to keep the process moving smoothly. 

  • Provide Feedback: Let them know how interviews went and provide any feedback you have about the opportunities presented. 


6. Benefits of Using a Recruitment Company 

  • Access to Unadvertised Jobs: Many companies use recruiters to fill positions that aren't advertised publicly.  

  • Expert Guidance: Recruiters can provide valuable insights into the job market and help fine-tune your CV and interview skills. 

  • Timesaving: Recruiters tackle most of the organisation aspect of the job process, allowing you to focus on preparing for your interview!  

Whether you are searching for a new role, looking to chat about your career aspirations, or would like to be represented in your job search journey, Carron Connected is here to help. With over twenty years of industry time-served experience, our founder, Richard Carron, offers a deep understanding of recruitment for these sectors. His career, which has seen him work alongside professionals in the very roles he now recruits for, equips him with a unique perspective on what both candidates and employers need. This insider career knowledge and expertise means that he can offer personalised support throughout each job search journey. 

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Exploring Skills-Based Hiring