Seven networking strategies for jobseekers

Networking is key to a successful job search, as it can help you connect with potential employers, mentors, and peers who can offer you valuable insights and opportunities. 

 Let’s explore seven networking strategies that may help you discover your dream job. 

Optimise your LinkedIn profile: 

  • To develop your personal branding, create a professional and complete LinkedIn profile that includes a high-quality photo and a well-written summary that highlights your skills and goals. 

  • Actively connect with professionals in your industry, including former colleagues, classmates and people that inspire you. 


Job Boards and Career Websites: 

  • Explore job boards and company websites to keep up to date with job openings and connect with recruiters and employers. 


Attend Industry Events and Conferences: 

  • If possible, attend conferences, seminars, and networking events related to your industry. These gatherings will provide opportunities for you to meet professionals face-to-face.  


Volunteer and Community Involvement: 

  • You may like to participate in volunteer activities and community events related to your field. Not only will you be contributing to a cause you care about, but you may also meet people who can offer opportunities related to your professional growth.  


Elevator Pitch: 

  • Craft a concise and compelling elevator pitch that introduces yourself, your skills, and your career goals. You can use this pitch when meeting new people in professional settings. 


Follow-Up and Relationship Building: 

  • After networking events or meetings, follow up with a personalised email or LinkedIn connection request – keep the communication ongoing. 



  • Seek out mentors or advisors who can provide you with guidance and support in your job search and career growth.

If you would like advice regarding your career development, or if you would like your CV reviewed, get in touch with Richard today.

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